Menlo Herbarium

 A Little Background


The Mission

Thank you for being on this website and seeing what it is all about. The goal is to break down the walls between art and STEM while simultaneously providing an accessible outlet for exploring botany. This project has been a crucial part of my high school experience and has caused me to grow more as an individual.

Wanna Learn More?


plant thankyous.png

It all started with a pineapple…

In my freshman year, I took a class called experimental science in place of a traditional physics class. While this class primarily consisted of physics, we did all kinds of stuff. From mechanical engineering to chemistry, there was always something different. In our ecology unit, we were all instructed to research plants from different ecosystems and make a presentation about their adaptions. I found myself on a Wikipedia page about epiphytes and bromeliads. You know those trendy air plants that people associate with hipsters and bohemian aesthetic? Yeah those are what I am talking about. These plants are found in tropical, humid regions and have adapted to live without a traditional root system. HOW COOL IS THAT?! So other countries, there are several of these small plants living on the limbs of other trees in order to get better access to resources like sunlight and water. So guess what is even cooler… pineapples are also in the bromeliad family! Pineapples have some of the coolest adaptations I have read about. From the way that their crown stores water to their specialized photosynthesis, it is all pretty remarkable. Ever since then I have been hooked!

 Why a herbarium? Art? A garden? A website

I decided to structure this project in to four parts: the garden, herbarium, website, and art. I have always been a passionate about STEM, but found these subjects vary challenging as they did not lend themselves for my type of learning. I strive the most in visual and creative settings, yet science is taught with lectures and articles. When I discovered botany, I first learned about it as a nature lover and an artist before I learned about it as a science. There was something about it that appealed to me and caused me to want to explore it more from all perspectives. This longing led me to this project which has allowed me to learn about these plants from both a scientific and artistic perspective in the way I understand best.

To learn more about the background of this project, read this small book that I put together which details each portion.

If you would like to read a more in depth about how I started this journey and a break down of all the aspects of this project feel free to read this magazine I created

A Little About Me…


Hi, my name is Bella Guel and I am part of Menlo’s graduated class of 2020! At Menlo, I was very interested in Biology, Art, and English. Some of the classes that I took in order to explore these topics were Biology, AT Biology, BioTech, AP Art, Photography, AP Literature, Advanced Journalism, and Humanities. While at Menlo, I was the co-editor and chief of Literature Magazine and the head of beekeeping! I also played soccer throughout high school, s/o to my old teammates! Hopefully my little biography displays that I truly am an interdisciplinary learner and is further exemplified in my project! If you find yourself wanting to learn more about Biology, please talk to Ms. Buxton about getting in contact with me.


Behind the Scenes…


 A Big Thank You!

Ms. Buxton,

Thank you for all of your support and advice during the project. I honestly would have never been able to create this herbarium if it wasn’t for your help in getting materials, identifying plants, and providing a space for me to work. I also would like to thank you for providing an outlet for using my project as a teaching aide. I am so happy to say that my project now is has a true home in an academic setting and is truly valued by a community of Biologists.

Nina Ollikainen,

You are a saving grace! As a person and teacher, you have been an amazing resource to me! From teaching me how to lighten my grip on a pencil to breaking down a plant to draw it in general shapes and large scales rather than tiny details. I am beyond grateful for your company inside and outside of the classroom to work on this with me.

Mr. Formato,

Thank you for introducing me to Harvard’s Glass Flower Museum. Hopefully, I will be able to visit it at some point in the future. I have always found you to be someone who goes out of their way to support and encourage students regardless if they are one of your own and I have appreciated ever ounce of the support.

Emma Holland,

Thank you for being an amazing hand model. I am lucky to be able to feature you on the home screen.

Aaron Morgan,

Thanks for being an amazing video editor and photographer. I would have never had such a cool about page if it weren’t for you. Your support through this entire project has been crucial and motivated me to keep it up even though I got so overwhelmed.

Mr. Spence,

Every time I give a talk about this project or when someone asks about where my interest in botany started, I give credit to you. Thank you for teaching experimental science and creating a classroom environment where I was encouraged to learn. I have been blessed with such a unique learning experience and passionate teachers like yourself.

Ms. Hanson,

If it wasn't for you this project would have never been an IP. The first time I tried to get put into this program I felt shut down, but you greeted my project with open arms and enthusiasm. You are a perfect example of someone being able to value my project outside of the STEM community. Thank you for the continual support and advice.

Mr. Z,

THANK YOU! I would not know as much as I do about cameras and lenses if it were not for you and your class. You have have always been so supportive of me and my artwork by always including me in photography shows and even just asking what I have been working on lately. I also can not thank you enough for letting me continually borrow lenses and camera bodies to shoot different project with as well as using your studio set up. You have given me the best resources to explore and accomplish a lot of my creative goals.

Mr. Hyland,

Thank you for welcoming me into your classroom and the middle school as a whole. As someone who did not come from the middle school, I had no idea who to contact to get this project into the curriculum. You were so excited to work with me and my project which made me feel like all the work I have put into this project was beyond worth it!
