Blue Eyed Grass

Scientific Name:

Sisyrinchium bellum

Physical Appearance:

  • Generally a foot tall

  • Leaves are grown in bunches, grass like

  • Small purple/blue flowers sometimes white resemble an iris’ flowers

  • No fragrance

When Does It Grow:

  • Spring and winter

Preferred Environment:

  • Loves grassy areas and can be found at crazy high altitudes… kinda everywhere, but the desert

  • Method of Reproduction: does not attract specific pollinators

Medicinal Uses:

  • Roots can be a natural laxative

  • Native americans used the roots to make tea for stomach ache relief or to reduce fever  


  • Blue eyed grass is nycatantistic! This means that it closes at night and opens during the day (I am working on adding a timelapse for y’all). This is not a unique trait, but blue eyed grass has a specific time for this process to occur.