Coyote Mint

Scientific Name: 

Monardella villosa

Physical Appearance: 

  • Small herb that grows small clustered, hairy, pale green leaves

  • Flowers large, pinkish purple flowers with thin petals 

    • I have not seen the mint bloom before, but maybe at some point 

When Does It Grow: 

  • Flowers during the summer 

Preferred Environment: 

  • Chaparral and flat woodlands 

  • Prefers coastal areas 

Method of Reproduction: 

  • Attracts butterflies that enjoy the nectar 

Medicinal Uses: 

  • Some Native American groups used this plant to treat stomach aches, respiratory problems, and sore throats 

  • The herb can also be made into a tea

Role in the Ecosystem: 

  • Attracts butterflies such as Monarchs and Swallowtails 


  • If you are reading this and in the garden smell this plant immediately! What do you smell? Minty toothpaste? Dish soap? Air freshener? Maybe some chicle? Well that smell is attractive to butterflies and other pollinators, but also us which makes this herb very popular in gardens

  • Known to be planted in areas with lots of deer as they do not get eaten (gardening hacks)

  • Drought tolerant