Pencil Cactus

Scientific name: 

Cylindropuntia ramosissima

Physical Appearance: 

  • Narrow cylindrical branches 

  • Various colors: green, orange, gray

  • Some have tons of golden spines and others have none at all

  • Can have small orange/pink flowers (but I have never seen out cactus bloom like that before)

  • Fruit is small and has several spines

  • Distinct diamond shaped tubercles 

When Does It Grow: 

  • Spring and summer

Preferred Environment: 

  • Native to Mojave desert and similar California terrains

  • Full sun and hot temperatures 

  • Extremely low amounts water if any at all 

Role in the Ecosystem: 

  • Butterflies are found around pencil cacti  


  • BRUH it is a succulent! Kinda wild how we only consider the little, trendy rosette succulents to be succulents (if you do not know what I am talking about then look up hipster girls of the 2010s)

  • Ramosissima = “very much branched” which is correlated to the amount of branches that the cactus has